Research can not be done in isolation. Collaborations are essential to the advancement of science. Combining expertise and providing tools and technologies helps us achieve greater possibilities. We help and are helped by many different labs. Some of our past and present collaborators are listed below.
Sachidanandam Lab
We are working with Ravi Sachidanandam and his group of computational biologists to better understand how gene expression, and microRNAs in particular, are regulated.
Merad Lab
Our group is working closely with Miriam Merad and her lab to uncover the regulatory networks that control dendritic cell and macrophage biology. This includes our work together as part of the Immgen consortium (below). We are also working to identify factors that control the immune microenvironment in tumors.
Brody Lab
We collaborate closely with Josh Brody and his team to determine the genes used by lymphomas to resist antigen-dependent T cell elimination. We have developed a novel screening platform that is enabling us to look at the darwinian evolution of tumors under the selective pressure of antigen-specific Jedi T cells.
Palese and Krammer Labs
We collaborated with the Palese and Krammer labs to develop a novel protein barcoding system based on the use of naturally occurring antibodies against different influenza hemagglutinin variants.
Poulikakos Lab
We are collaborating with Poulikos Poulikakos and his lab to understand how different cell signaling pathways differentially control cancer and immune cells and how targeting these pathways can be used for enhancing cancer therapy.
Bernstein Lab
We are collaborating with Emily Bernstein and her lab to try and understand how chromatin regulators control cancer cell behavior and resistance to targeted therapies.
Immgen Consortium
We are members of the Immgen Consortium, an NIH funded project led by Dr. Christoph Benoist, whose goal is to determine the complex molecular networks that control and connect all cells in the immune system. The Immgen Consortium has already profiled more than 200 different cell types of the immune system, and made the data available to the public, in a highly accessible format.
Evans Lab
In collaboration with Matthew Evans, we studied the regulatory interactions between hepatitis C virus and host cell microRNAs.